Knowledge Organisers

Across the federation, we use Knowledge Organisers to explicitly set out the Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge that our children will acquire within each sequence of learning as set out within our Curriculum Map.  Our Knowledge Organisers also provide the following information:

  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 Vocabulary that we expect the children to learn and remember over time;
  • How the sequence of learning builds upon prior learning and paves the way for future learning;
  • Big Questions which will be used to assess understanding at the end of a sequence of learning and returned to on a regular basis to ensure 'sticky learning' through retrieval practice;
  • Identified opportunities for real life expereinces to contextualise and embed learning;
  • Identified links with other curricular areas;
  • Tangible links to our CARIS values;
  • Common threads of learning explored within a subject across mutiple teaching sequences.

As a federation team, we are currently rewriting our Knowledge Organisers to ensure that they meet our exacting standards as set out above.  Those completed can be found below.


Parent folder
 Science - Y1&2 - Animals including Humans (Summer B).pdfDownload
 Science - Y1&2 - Plants (Spring B).pdfDownload
 Science - Y3&4 - Animals including Humans (Summer B).pdfDownload
 Science - Y3&4 - Plants (Summer B).pdfDownload
 Science - Y5&6 - Animals including Humans (Summer B).pdfDownload
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